Peer-reviewed articles & chapters
“Protecting Civilians or Preserving NATO? Alliance Entanglement and the Bosnian Safe Areas,” Journal of Strategic Studies 47 (2), 2024, pp. 238–62.
“Does Public Opinion Affect the Preferences of Foreign Policy Leaders? Experimental Evidence from the UK Parliament” (with Jonathan Chu), The Journal of Politics 84 (3), 2022, pp. 1874–77.
“Validating Threat: IO Approval and Public Support for Joining Military Counterterrorism Coalitions” (with Jonathan Chu), International Studies Quarterly 65 (4), 2021, pp. 919–28.
“A Legitimate Sphere of Influence: Understanding France’s Turn to Multilateralism in Africa,” Journal of Strategic Studies 43 (4), 2020, pp. 508–33.
“Overcoming Opposition at the UNSC: Regional Multilateralism as a Form of Collective Pressure,” Journal of Global Security Studies 5 (2), 2020, pp. 265–81.
“Pragmatism over Principle: U.S. Intervention and Burden Shifting in Somalia, 1992–1993,” Journal of Strategic Studies 43 (3), 2020, pp. 341–65.
“The Paradox of Safe Areas in Ethnic Civil Wars,” Global Resp. to Protect, 10 (3), 2018, pp. 362–86.
“Should Humanitarian Interveners Promote Democracy after Genocide?” International Theory 10 (1), 2018, pp. 1–30.
“Authorising Humanitarian Intervention: A Five-Point Defence of Existing Multilateral Procedures,” Review of International Studies 43 (1), 2017, pp. 50–72.
“Why Seek International Organisation Approval under Unipolarity? Averting Issue Linkage vs. Appeasing Congress,” International Relations 30 (1), 2016, pp. 78–101.
“Did Chirac Say ‘Non’? Revisiting UN Diplomacy on Iraq, 2002–03,” Political Science Quarterly 130 (4), 2015-2016, pp. 625–54.
“Soldiers, Civilians, and Multilateral Humanitarian Intervention,” Security Studies 24 (2), 2015, pp. 251–283.
“The Origins of Liberal Wilsonianism: Giuseppe Mazzini on Regime Change and Humanitarian Intervention,” in Stefano Recchia and Jennifer Welsh, eds., Just and Unjust Military Intervention. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
“Just and Unjust Postwar Reconstruction: How Much External Interference can be Justified?” Ethics & International Affairs 23 (2), 2009, pp. 165–87.
“Restraining Imperial Hubris: The Ethical Bases of Realist International Relations Theory,” Constellations Journal 14 (4), 2007, pp. 531–56.
“Beyond International Trusteeship: EU Peacebuilding in Bosnia and Herzegovina,” Occasional Paper No. 66. Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies, 2007.
“Guerra giusta e interventi umanitari: un approccio moderatamente consequenzialista,” [Just war and humanitarian intervention: a moderately consequentialist approach] Teoria Politica 22 (1), 2006, pp. 81–98.